
September 19, 2010

When was the smiley emoticom invented?

  Why it was today Sept 19 1982.
September 17, 2010

Today in 1787 “We the people…”

the first signatures are signed in the US Constitution.Sept 17 1787
September 16, 2010

Did you know that today the Mayflower

leaves for the new world?  Sept 16 1620
September 15, 2010

The FIRST Transcontinental

mail service started today Sept. 15,1858.
September 14, 2010

Today in 1814 Frances Scott Key

is inspired to write "the Star Spangled Banner" during the Battle of Baltimore. Sept. 14, 1814
September 13, 2010

The first Diesel Car

was introduced today Sept.13 1977
September 10, 2010

Captain John Smith

is elected today to lead Jamestown in1608
September 9, 2010

Pet Disaster Preparedness

Emergency pet planning involves more than simply putting your cat /pet in a carrier, placing them in the car and driving away from the approaching disaster. […]
September 9, 2010

Tips for handling Pet Emergencies in my case (cats)

An emergency need not be on a large scael to impact you and your pet. The odds are higher that the emergency will affect only you […]