Emergency pet planning involves more than simply putting your cat /pet in a carrier, placing them in the car and driving away from the approaching disaster. You need to identify in advance how you will cope with ahurrican, flooding or other natural disasters. Failure to do so could jeopardize the lives of both you and your pet.
Preparedness gives you peace of mind.
Know Where you will go. Don't wait until you get an evacuation order to determine where you can evacuate to – don't be surprised if a shelter is not among those options. Identify pet friendly hotels and friends who live outside the affected area is VITAL. Your local vet or animal shelter or me can give you recommendations. In Tinton Falls the Marriot Residence on Park Ave (by the parkway) is Pet Friendly. Been there when Sea Bright, NJ had to be evacuated for major flooding
Update your Pets Identification: Now adays a micrchip is essential. Make sure the company tha manufactured your pet's chip has up to date contact information. You should also include a friend or family member who is NOT in your geographic area. Remember the Katrina disaster how terrible that was and families are still looking for their pets as well as pets are now looking for new homes. INCLUDE your Cell Phone!
Pack Supplies in Advance: During an evacuation it is safe to presume that your new lcoation will not have the supplies your pet needs. Moreove, the stress makes pulling together everyhting chaotic and you can easily forget something important. For cats it's easy I have 1 poind bag cat food, medical records including a rabies certificate and you should copy the pet's micro chip number.
Take a pet carrier. Many pet friendly hotels require guests to crate their animals. The carrier should be large enough for your pet to stand, lie down and turn around comfortably. If your pet is not accustomed to being in a carrier start teaching it now. The most common mistake that pet owners make is that they think it will not happen to them.
What to pack in your cat's evacuation kit. For Each Cat: