The Best Just Got Better!!!
Now more than ever I am ready to serve you and your needs in Real Estate. The conference has helped to regenerate me and help serve you better.So Let me know what is going on with you. Where do you stand regarding real estate? Have you set it aside? Have you purchased already? If so, what did I not do right by you? What could I have or do better for your needs? I am very interested in hearing the good, the bad and the ugly. That is the only way my services can be better for you.
Also just got back from the Otteau seminar, a prominent market analyst for Real Estate. What he put into words backs up my statistics on my website.
The market is gearing for a recovery! Slow and Steady. The next 90 days will be the best time to purchase because everything is level. The interest rates are still the BEST IN 35 YEARS! The prices have leveled.
January and February has already seen a 5% to 10% increase in activity. Yes there is alot of inventory however, what this means to you is that when the house is NOT overpriced it will go quickly.
For Sellers, right now is the time to price your house by looking at YOUR lowest price competitor on the market and underpricing them. Statisitics have shown that when you do that you will sell quickly within around 50 days and at around 97% of your asking price. If you set your price high, then you will be on the market longer and when you do sell you will get about 94% of your asking price. So PRICING is still an issue.
For Buyers, right now is a good time because the rates are still at an all time low, the prices have leveled out and there is alot to choose from, however because the market has become active, sellers are becoming much firmer at their asking price. Bargain Hunting is NOT an option now.Right Pricing for both Seller and Buyer is the buzz.
No longer interested in getting MLS updates or emails from me please let me know and I will do my best to get you off all of MY lists. I DO NOT sell, rent or give your names out to others, because I have many websites and databases it takes me a while to get you deleted so please be patient I will do as you ask.
Thank you for staying loyal with me and allowing me to help you with your real estate needs.